Raw materials for Dairy cow feeds

Raw materials for Dairy cow feeds

Raw materials for Dairy cow feeds

Dairy Articles


J A H Evans, Dairy Consultant

Print This Page Feeding Rapeseed to Reduce Emissions and SFAs

Adding milled rapeseed to dairy rations reduced methane emissions, and reduced the saturated fatty acid (SFA) content and increased the cis-monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) content of milk, according to research from the University of Reading.

Risks for Animal and Public Health Related to the Presence of Alternaria Toxins in Feed and Food

Fungi in the family, Alternaria, produce mycotoxins in a range of plants that include cereals and oilseeds. Following a study of the possible adverse effects of Alternaria mycotoxins on the health of humans, farm animals and pets, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was unable to rule out the possibility of some types of toxin causing problems in chickens, the only species of farm animals for which some toxicity data suitable for risk assessment exist.


Barley is an ancient grain with a promising future.

Dry distiller’s grains + solubles (DDGS)

DDGS (Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles), a coproduct of the ethanol production process, is a high nutrient feed valued by the livestock industry. When ethanol plants make ethanol, they use only starch from corn and grain sorghum. The remaining nutrients - protein, fiber and oil - are the by-products used to create livestock feed called dried distillers grains with solubles. A third of the grain that goes into ethanol production comes out as DDGS. Each bushel of grain used in the ethanol-making process produces 2.7 gallons of ethanol; 18 pounds of DDGS and 18 pounds of carbon dioxide.