Dairy Experts

Professors Team Up For Milk Quality
US - Two professors in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison joined forces to help Wisconsin dairy producers improve milk quality.

Pamela Ruegg, dairy science professor and Extension milk quality specialist, and Doug Reinemann, professor and director of the UW Milking Research and Instruction Lab, launched a new website offering updated information and decision-making tools for farmers to manage herd health and milking systems.

“Udder health and milking management have always been regarded as important factors in achieving high milk production, efficient milking and excellent milk quality,” said Mr Reinemann. “When you have milk price premiums reported to be the largest financial opportunity related to milk quality, there are certainly incentives to manage for it every day in the parlour.”

Resources are also available for veterinarians, extension agents, researchers and industry representatives to get involved.

“Producing high-quality milk is not a one-person job. It takes a team-based approach to be able to evaluate, manage and meet milk quality goals. Including extension and agricultural professionals helps farmers achieve goals more rapidly and increase farm income,” said Ms Ruegg.

This is not the first time Ms Ruegg and Mr Reinemann collaborated on a project focused on improving milk quality. The two have developed extension programmes and published academic papers on the significance of herd health and milking management. Though their latest venture, the UW Milk Quality Website, is the first time these resources will be available in one place.

“This is an opportunity to share our research, as well as the latest science-based, peer-reviewed information on dairy production from around the world. We are responding to requests for better accessibility,” said Ms Ruegg. “The website has now become a comprehensive resource for dairy producers to achieve milk quality success. It’s a one-stop-shop.”

The website will be updated weekly with featured articles and news releases covering various topics on milk quality. Spanish-translated educational materials will also be available.

Click here

Source: The dairy site
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